My Resignation Letter from the Mormon Church
Was An Unsigned Form Letter
Yesterday I received my resignation letter from the Mormon Church. To say the letter was non-descript and impersonal is an understatement. The Church I had dedicated my life to wrote me all of two sentences. After 42 years in the Church, donating tens of thousands of volunteer hours, freely giving many tens of thousands of dollars in tithing, serving two full years as a missionary in Mexico, serving as an unpaid Mormon bishop over a congregation for two years, and yet, all the Church could muster to say to me when I resigned was ‘goodbye’ and ‘let us know if you want to come back’.
The Church literally sent me an unsigned form letter.
There were no regrets expressed that I was leaving. No questionnaire about what issues lead an extremely devout ex-Mormon-bishop and his family to resign. No expression of gratitude for my previous dedication, service, and donations. No interest in hearing my story or understanding me. The letter was frank and indifferent. If this were a conversation between two best friends in the middle of a rift, then this was the equivalent of one of them stomping away in defeat while saying, “Fine, have it your way”.
Compared to other official letters sent to me by the Church, the tone was different. There was no well-wishing…