Our Stepping Back Post

Adam Evans
4 min readOct 19, 2020

Telling the world we are stepping back from Mormonism

Most of you know I have been a devoted member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormon) my entire life. I served a two-year mission in Mexico. I served as a bishop in Northern Arizona, a high councilor, executive secretary, gospel doctrine teacher, Scout leader, etc., etc. I say this not to boast, but to highlight my level of commitment and the countless hours I have given in service to the Church. As many of you, I truly believed the Church to be the one true Church of Christ upon the earth.

Over the last year, my dear wife and I have been through an awakening. A series of events led me to begin a deeper research of the doctrine, history, and policies of the church. I had always considered myself to be very informed about the church’s doctrine, its history, and its policies. Unfortunately, there is much about the doctrine, history, and policies of the church that is not talked about in church literature, which the church whitewashes and ignores. There is so much information out there, readily available, that the church does not want you to read and question — including the church’s own Gospel Topics Essays. We have come to the sober conclusion that the church has been dishonest in its representation of its history, doctrine, and policies. Due to what we have learned, we cannot continue as believing members…



Adam Evans
Adam Evans

Written by Adam Evans

Esthete and wannabe vagabond.

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